Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How to safeguard personal and financial data?

Nowadays, most people rely on computers to save our personal data and using online financial services to do financial transactions such as online banking. Information transmitted over the Internet is more vulnerable and has a higher degree of security risk, the information will easily stolen or hacked by others. Therefore, every user must know some ways to safeguard their personal or financial data.

Below will be some suggestion ways for users to safeguard their data:

1. Usernames and passwords
The longer passwords will provide greater security than shorter passwords. If can, try to change the password frequently and do not disclose to anyone.

2. Install and update antivirus software and firewall.
Install the antivirus software and firewall in order to protect yourself against viruses and Trojan horses that may steal or modify the data on your own computer. In order to well protection, you must make sure to keep your antivirus up to date.

3. Regularly scan your computer for spyware
Spyware or adware hidden in software programs may affect the performance of your computer and give attackers access to your data. Use a legitimate anti-spyware program to scan your computer and remove any of the infected files.

4. Encrypt any sensitive files
Encryption is a process of converting readable data into unreadable characteristic to prevent unauthorized access. By encrypting files, you can ensure that unauthorized people can’t view data even if they can physical access it. When you use encryption, it is important to remember your passwords, if you forget the passwords, you may lose your data.

5. Avoid accessing financial information in public
Resist to logging on your bank account or others important data when working from a coffee shop that offers wireless access, Although the systems are convenient, it also easy for hacker the your information though the public wireless access.


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